Type Interview 1 / Type Story : ロジャー・ぺアマン( INFP )


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Roger Pearman: INFP
Can you share some early memories?
My family of origins was very oppositional to my type. I was raised by a single mother who was a pretty hardcore ISTJ and that pattern exists today. I have traumatic memories of a violent, drunken father. My father left our family pretty early on but later on I met him and I would categorize him as an ESTP.
I have been a reader and I would be perfectly happy sitting in a chair reading and reading and reading. And my mother would say, “Boy, get out of the house and go play.” I would say, “I dont want to go out there.” And her experience was that you get an experience and get out there.
The contrast was rather notable in lots and lots of ways.
I’ve always had an aesthetic interest in things. My mother had no interest in them. I would save up money and I would buy a piece of art and buy it and hang it in my room. I had a strong pull for form and color. I would choose abstract, multi-colored images and my mother was not interested in them.
I had the good fortune of having a great undergraduate education and a tremendous experience of deepening my understanding of the world around me and my family of origin.
When did you encounter Type?
In 1974, in my freshman year in college I took the MBTI.
My university required freshmen to take several tools and MBTI was one of them and they offered a career planning workshop. I was curious, I had taken the time to take the instruments and gathered with 8-10 other students to understand the results of the assessments.
I remember really clearly the small career planning group. I was the only INFP and everyone else was either NTJs or STJs, and we talked about what we wanted to get out of college.
They were interested in how they were going to be doctors or lawyers or business executives and that was not at all my aspiration.
Introduction to type was life-giving and allowed me to understand what I did not understand before. It was like being struck by a spiritual lightening bolt, “oh this is why I am attracted to certain things.”
Type was very permission-giving for me.
That initiated what has become 50 years of ongoing curiosity in type, focused on how type can enrich individual lives.
To my knowledge it is still the only model that tries to explain and arrange experiences in a rational way and that can give an insight about how people experience another person.
I spoke to the woman who was doing the workshop, her name was Catherine Jordan and she was ENFJ and after the interpretation I went on in my journey reading more about Carl Jung and because I was interested in continued career guidance I coontinued meeting with Catherine.
When I went to graduate school I did an internship in the counseling center and we became lifelong friends.
We used the indicator while I was an intern and I got a lot of practice. When I finished my doctoral work I became the first director of the university learning center.
Any notable people in the type world who has had the most impact on you/your teaching.
Mary McCaulley (INFP) and Naomi Quenk (INFP) were most critical. Mary taught me a great deal of the 15 years I knew her. Naomi Quenk, Jungian Analyst, was a tour de force of knowledge and she worked with Isabel Myers (INFP) as well as Mary McCaulley. Their genuine commitment to exploring type and using type in everyday life were very important to me. They both gave me important advice about using type effectively.
Robert Johnson (INFP) was a genius and his type insights were extraordinary.
Any notable disagreements or fights in your type history?
Within the APTI world, there were many fights about the nature of the Association and its role. Those who become “fixed” in their views about psychological type are a source of much trouble.
For example, insisting that the Tertiary function is of one attitude or another is silly from my point of view. Myers proposed that the Auxiliary, Tertiary, and Inferior were in the opposite attitude of the Dominant and some people are willing to invest a great deal of intellectual and emotional energy declaring the attitudes alternate.
I’ve found both to be true, depending on the person. Jung said as much several times. Jung laid out some hypotheses and principles to be explored, not a procrustean system.
What would you say is a huge issue/problem that the type community is facing right now?
We have a nasty set of criticis who don’t understand type and the type publishing world failed to support adequate research over time and so the reality is that there is not enough research in type dynamics.
Type needs to be seen as a unit of measure.
We have very few studies of type where type is seen as as a unit of measure. Too many people see type as a code, they focus on the individual letters, like E-N-F-P.
We need to see research that sees the gestalt of the whole, the real, dynamic nature of the ENFP type.
What message do you want spread to type enthusiasts?
In the words of Isabel Myers, “Type is about what is right with people, not wrong with them.” Further, type is a door toward deeper exploration, don’t stop with a four-letter code. Further, the dynamics of type are so much more important than the four letters of a type code.
95% of all published research on type shows simple correlations between the preferences and some other variables.
For example, the correlation between Extraversion and Expressiveness is high (.69). That is NOT TYPE.
Type is about the dynamic relationship among the cognitive functions and the CODE (e.g. ENTJ, ISFP, ESFJ, INTP, etc) is a UNIT distinctive from other UNITS.
So, if you have type data and another variable, it is best to look at how each of the 16 types performed on the variable which implies that there is something special about the TYPE and not the preference.
What area of Type interests you at this time?
I continue to explore the various interpretations Jung gave to his theory over time from 1921 to his passing in 1961. His extensive letter collection shows how he adjusted his perspectives and considerations as the years taught him new things.
I don’t think Jung intended for his work to be formulaic even though lots of people try to do just that.
In my mind, that is quite far from his primary principles of discovery and insight. The application of type dynamics is among the most consistently engaging exploration I do and it is never boring.
Interviewed and written by Harumi Gondo